The UK’s most simple conference call service
Welcome to ConferenceCall.co.uk, the UK’s simplest and best conference call service - set up a reservationless conference call with no contract.
Register your free pin above. You’ll instantly receive your unique PIN, which you can then use to start a conference call.
To set up your call, just send your PIN to each of your participants, together with the dial-in number 0843 373 0843 + any overseas dial-in numbers (click here to see rates and dial-in numbers).
At the agreed time, participants just need to call the dial-in number and enter the PIN to join your conference call.
No contract.
No monthly fees.
Set up immediately.
Excellent sound quality.
1. Register
Request your pin code. You will receive this instantly.
2. Invite participants
Send all participants an invitation with the pin code, date/time and dial-in number(s).
3. Meetings
All participants call the dial-in number and enter your pin code after the welcome message.
Why ConferenceCall.co.uk?

Conference call Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to reserve the conference call?
No. ConferenceCall.co.uk is a reservationless conference call service. This means there’s no need to reserve your conference call as participants are automatically linked by our advanced system - you can start at any time of the day or night.
What are the dial-in numbers for the UK?
The dial-in number for the UK is 0843 373 0843 and is available 24/7. Overseas participants call one of our international dial-in numbers.
What are the conference call costs?
Our conference call service is free to set up, meaning you don’t pay any costs for setting up the conference call. Each participant pays a small amount per minute via their landline, business line or mobile phone bill:
- 0843 373 0843 (landlines and mobiles) - 5.8 pence per minute + VAT and your phone provider’s access charge Click here to see our dial-in numbers and rates