Category: <span>Conference calling</span>

A small island sat in the north Caribbean Sea, Puerto Rico is an “unincorporated territory” of the United States, with little by way of natural resources that would be of any economic value. Its manufacturing industry is largely US-owned companies, specialising in pharmaceuticals, electronics, textiles, petrochemicals, processed foods, clothing and textiles, and its economy relies mainly on federal aid from the US government.

Puerto Rico’s trade and commerce continues to be subject to US congressional authority. Most of its imports are to the US, with small amounts going to the Netherlands, Dominican Republic and the UK – so there is a business opportunity there for UK companies.

If you think your company could do business in the Caribbean, you’ll need a cost-effective and reliable international teleconference provider to help you keep in touch with clients from your UK base – here’s how to set up a conference call between UK and Puerto Rico in just a few simple steps…

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Hear the name ‘Panama’ and you’ll immediately think ‘canal’ – the Panama Canal is a 77 km ship canal that revolutionised maritime trade by becoming a conduit between the Atlantic and the Pacific – but it may be time to start thinking of Panama as a business opportunity. If so, here’s how to arrange a conference call to Panama.

Panama has the fastest-growing economy in Latin America – experiencing an average annual growth of 8.7% over the last ten years. It also has what can be considered full employment with  just 4.5% of the population out of work.

And unlike most other Central American countries, Panama’s economy is based on a large service sector, which accounts for 80% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

If you’re thinking of setting up in Panama, it’s worth checking out the Gov.UK guide, and you’ll also need a low-cost, reliable international conference call provider, and that’s where comes in…

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Pakistan is a developing market with a young and increasing population of around 186 million – that’s three times the UK population – and around 55 million live in urban areas.

It’s reckoned Pakistan’s cities generate up to 78% of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with Karachi alone contributing about 20%. The growing and aspirational middle class has an appetite for creative, innovative and high quality goods and services.

There are over 100 British businesses trading in Pakistan – including some well-known names like Barclays, Unilever, Debenhams and Toni & Guy – and if you’re looking to join them, you’ll want an easy-to-use and cost-effective international conference call provider.

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Global warming could be a more pressing problem than initially thought. A long-term forecasts from the Met Office have revealed that temperatures could temporarily reach 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for the first time between now and 2023 – levels we weren’t expected to reach until between 2030 and 2052.

It’s a problem we all need to tackle, and here’s how conference calling can help fight climate.

Conference calling News Work from home

Following last week’s staggering situation where we had the Prime Minister urge Parliament to vote against her EU exit deal, so she could go back to the negotiating table in Brussels, the Brexit clock continues to count down towards no deal.

And now that Nissan has cited all this Brexit uncertainty as the reason behind its decision to pull a lucrative contract from its main UK plant in Sunderland, not to mention the other businesses who are moving from the UK or scaling back operations, it looks like it could be bad news for business.

Here’s how a conference call could help solve at least some of your potential Brexit-based business woes.

Around the world Conference calling Small business

India and the UK have strong cultural and trade links – but trade has deteriorated over recent years and the two countries are no longer strong trade partners, and many big businesses have been put off trading with the country following billion pound tax rows and unpaid fees.

Even so, India is one of the world’s fastest growing economies and the UK has a lot to offer India as far as universities, infrastructure and engineering goes, so if you’re not already trading with India, it could be time to start thinking about it.

Sat over 4,000 miles to the east though and keeping in touch could be a problem – but not if you do so via teleconference, or conference call, and is one of the few operators offering low-cost dial-in numbers to India.

And a conference call can be set up in a few simple steps, here’s how…

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister, has held a conference call with her cabinet ministers in an attempt to get fresh backing for her Brexit deal, before it is again voted on in Parliament next week.

The PM is due to outline her latest EU withdrawal plan when she updates the House of Commons later today.

Conference calling News

We’ve all be guilty of mutli-tasking while teleconferencing – whether it’s conference calling while on the commute, continuing to type up some notes, checking in on Facebook, or even taking a shower (no, really). It’s fair to assume that  no-one sits on a conference call without doing anything else.

But one woman in the US as just raised the bar when it comes to teleconference multitasking.

Conference calling News

Benin is a country in West Africa with a population of around 10 million – and although it’s neighbours with Nigeria it has nowhere the same trade links or business opportunities.

Porto Novo is the capital of Benin but most of the country’s trade is done via the bustling port of Cotonou where cargo includes cocoa, rice and cotton, which is the lifeblood of the economy.

There is also a growing trade in used vehicles from Europe and the US – imports have grown from 200,000 in 2010 to 314,000 in 2014.

On average, 25,000 cars pass through Cotonou every month – up to 90% of which end up in Nigeria – but it’s something of a murky market and in 2013 there was a diplomatic disagreement between the two countries when Nigerian customs officials directly accused the Beninese government of smuggling vehicles into Nigeria.

Screenshot Google Maps

So if you’re thinking of dabbling in the Beninese second-hand car market, approach it with caution.

And as Benin is something of an unknown quantity, it may be worth setting up an international conference call with potential business partners to get the lay of the land before you commit.

And here’s how…

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

It’s just over three weeks until the World Cup kicks off in Russia – the hosts take on Saudi Arabia on Thursday, June 14 in the first Group A match – so this edition of everything you need to know is coming at you like a Cossack dance in a Russia World Cup Special.

And if you want to keep in touch with friends, colleagues, clients or fellow football fans forth duration of the tournament, you can use to speak to up to 100 other people simultaneously, using the local rate Russian dial-in number 499-7043569. If you’ve other business interests out in Russia, check out Exporting to Russia – everything you need to know.

Now read on for all you need to know about the upcoming World Cup, as well as some handy trivia from previous tournaments.

Around the world Conference calling News