How to conference call Iceland

Despite having the smallest population in the Nordic and Baltic region, Iceland has a thriving economy and is ranked as one of the top 15 countries in terms of per capita income.

It’s also ranked 13th in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business rankings, so it’s safe to say the population of just over 330,000 is doing something right.

If you’re looking to do business in Iceland, you’re going to need a cost-effective and reliable conference call provider –  here’s how to quickly and easily set up a conference call between UK and Iceland.

How to set up a conference call between the UK and Iceland

Visit to get your free PIN instantly. Then click on the ‘Invite Participants’ tab to generate an email template and then enter the time, date and subject of the conference call.

Pick UK and Iceland dial-in codes, hit the button marked ‘Copy this invitation’, paste it into an email, send it to up to 100 participants, and you’re good to go.

Dial-in numbers to call

At the allotted time participants dial the following numbers and enter your PIN:

  • UK participants dial 0843 373 0843 (landline)+44 843 373 0999 (when overseas)
  • Iceland participants dial 539-0601 (from landlines) or +44 843 373 0999 (from mobiles)

Your conference call can now begin! Or, as they say in Iceland…”símafundi getur nú byrjað!”

clockWhat’s the best time to call Iceland from the UK?

Reykjavik is almost 2,000 miles from London and the time difference means Reykjavik is just an hour behind the UK, so you bear this in mind when making business calls.

Do you need to dial the worldwide dial-in number when calling Iceland from the UK?

No, the UK participants can simply dial the UK dial-in number when they are in the UK, and our system will automatically match your participants by your PIN.

Where is Iceland?

Situated at the confluence of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland is a small island nation with a population of about 320,000 – making it the least densely populated country in Europe.

What’s the FCO advice on travelling to Iceland?

If you’re travelling to Iceland, check the latest travel advice where Covid-19 restrictions are concerned and be prepared for plans to change at the last minute.

Iceland has active volcanoes and is also seismically active. Before you travel, make sure you monitor the latest announcements from the Icelandic Met Office website for the updates and follow the advice of the local authorities.

If you need to contact the emergency services, call 112.

If you’re travelling around Iceland, download the 112 Iceland app and leave your travel plans with Safe Travel in case you need assistance from the Icelandic emergency services.

Crime isn’t a massive problem in Iceland, but instances of theft and anti-social behavior can be quite common late at night, particularly around the bars of Reykjavik. Make sure you take the usual precautions and don;t leave valuables lying around.

You can drive using a valid UK or other EU/EEA driving licence.

You don’t have to carry your passport with you, but it is sensible to keep some form of ID on you.

Image of Iceland flag by Hans on Pixabay