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Brexit Conference calling News

The UK has lurched into recession again – essentially its second in a decade, following the financial crisis of the late 2000s. The UK has been hit by a recession in every decade since the 1950s, but this latest one is the worst in history. Let’s take a look at what makes a recession, and whether this ‘coronavirus recession’ could see a number of businesses leave the UK for bases overseas.

News Small business

Technology is evolving faster than at any time in history, and if we’re not yet quite living in a sci-fi version of ‘the future’, we’re certainly staring at a new frontier that is being driven by automation, data intelligence and technological advancements.

And while progress should never be halted, we’re in serious danger of putting ourselves out of jobs – data driven intelligence is delivering digital transformation for all sectors and will eliminate various existing jobs between this decade and the next.

Many jobs humans do today which are slow and filled with errors, will be replaced by intelligent systems, whether in form of robots or computerised devices – will your job be one of them?

News Technology

The coronavirus lockdown has meant more people have been working from home than ever before. Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that almost half of all of people in employment (47%) did some work at home during April 2020, the vast majority of which (86%) did so as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

But if you were told you had the chance to work from home  indefinitely, what would be your main motivation for working remotely? To avoid the commute? To get away from the office politics? To improve your work/life balance?

There are all sorts of reasons over 4 million of us choose to work outside of the office – a study from Together Mutual Insurance has just taken a closer look at why telecommuting is becoming ever more popular, as well as some of our work from home habits.

Here’s what it found…

Flexible working Small business Work from home

Infographics News Work from home

The coronavirus lockdown has shown that we can all do our bit for the environment by staying at home a bit more – although the shutdown of factories was the biggest contributing factor to the drop in global carbon levels, cutting out the commute at least once a week means we can all do our bit for the planet. Doesn’t it?

Inspiration News Work from home

It seems people are pulling together to help local businesses out of lockdown, as two thirds of people say they’ll shop local to support small businesses.

Coronavirus News Small business Uncategorized

Coronavirus News Small business

Fintech usage jumps by over 50% during the lockdown period, with 21% securing new financial products without speaking to a single human being. Here’s more on how financial technology (fintech) has been given a boost by lockdown.

Coronavirus Technology Work from home

Almost half (45%) of workers feel more productive when working from home – great news for any business owners who’ve had to turn to a remote workforce during lockdown. It’s…

Conference calling Flexible working Work from home