Tag: <span>cyber security</span>

GDPR – the new EU legislation on data protection – has been a bit of a nightmare for many businesses across the UK and beyond. There will have been great costs incurred by those businesses who have had to contact everyone on their database to try and convince them they can continue to use their data. And there may be an even higher price to pay for those businesses that have had to thoroughly wash their archived data, losing a significant amount of leads in the process.

But there’s also a concern that the new rules make catching hackers even more challenging.

News Technology

You’re going to be hearing a lot about GDPR over the coming weeks, as the European Union’s new data protection legislation takes effect in just over a month’s time, on May 25.

And it looks like it;s going to be a timely piece of legislation, giving the ongoing controversy surrounding Facebook’s use of data, which has seen the social networks CEO answering some tricky questions in front of the US congress.

There’s one tech giant that seems unfazed by the new rules though…

News Technology

Drones will be weaponised, industrial-scale hacking will be commonplace, and videos will be manipulated to swing public opinion – a vision of a future in which artificial intelligence (AI) has fallen into the hands of rogue states, criminals and terrorists, according to the findings of a new report.

We’ve been trying to tell everyone this for ages – it’s been three years since we warned the world that Google is going to kill us all!

Around the world News Technology

House prices in the UK have rocketed by an eye-watering 181% since the start of the millennium. Getting on the property ladder is now arguably tougher then ever, with prospective buyers now expected to stump up an average of £211,000 for their first home – almost three times than the amount needed back in 2000, when the average spend was £75,000.

Our expectations of what we look for in a property have also shifted in that time, and while things like off-road parking,  and a new kitchen or bathroom can all increase the value of a house, there’s another, less obvious factor that could push up the price of a property – a superfast broadband connection.

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