Tag: <span>how to</span>

There are just two weeks to go until Christmas, which means 14 shopping days left, including Christmas Eve – even fewer if you’re you plan to shop online, as you’ll have to factor in extra time to process and deliver your order. Make sure you don’t miss the last postage dates.

If you’re shopping online, you’ll also have to factor in the added risk – although secure website and payment technology is always improving, hackers and fraudsters are always finding more devious ways to defraud people, and so online fraud is still a massive problem.

So, to help ensure you stay safe as you shop online at Christmas, Sainsbury’s Bank has produced this informative infographic…

Guides & How-Tos Infographics Technology

After the year we’ve had, it’s likely most of us will need a little extra money for the holidays this year.

If you could do with some extra cash, it could be worth considering your own seasonal start-up.

Here are some ideas for how you could make some extra festive cash with your own Christmas business.

Guides & How-Tos Small business Work from home

Every time you interact online you’re adding to your digital footprint – that virtual record of what you did, who you did it with, and when you did it.

Whether you’re buying something from a web store, checking your bank balance, updating a social status, or even just typing a question into a search engine or leaving a comment on a blog (all comments welcome below), your digital footprint is affected.

What this means is anyone can track your digital footprint and make fairly accurate assumptions on your lifestyle – anyone who has the knowledge and the inclination, that is.

And although most of us won’t have a back-story worth bothering with, not to mention nothing to hide, it’s still a little disconcerting to think someone could tap into your lifestyle should they wish to.

It’s all but impossible to completely cover your online tracks, but if you want to give it a go, here are some of the steps you could take to try and disappear completely…

Guides & How-Tos Technology

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men/Gang aft agley” so wrote Robert Burns in 1785 – and it’s a verse that has stood the test of time, as no matter how through your plans, things can still go awry.

And although using ConferenceCall.co.uk to set up a conference call for up to 100 participants could hardly be easier, there’s always the possibility not everything will go to plan and some people might miss the call.

Even setting a free SMS reminder isn’t fail-safe.

And while we can’t guarantee not everyone will be able to make the conference call, we can guarantee that no-one need miss a word thanks to our free conference call recording facility.

You can now record your conference calls to distribute to those that couldn’t attend or even just for archiving purposes – all free of charge and without the need for any extra equipment.

Here’s how…


There’s more than one way to make a conference call, from video conferencing to straight up multi-participant phone calls, and more than one provider to choose from, but what you’ll find with many operators is they’ll either charge for the service, ask you to sign up with them, or both – this means they’ll then have access to your data and may even sell it on to third parties who will then bombard you with emails and phone calls for other services.

That’s not the case with ConferenceCall.co.uk – all you and your participants need to make a conference call to anywhere in the world is a landline or a mobile.

There’s no sign up. No fee to pay. And you can make great savings on the cost of conference calling to anywhere in the world.

Guides & How-Tos

The internet offers an instant and limitless well of information – it’s made life a whole lot easier for all of us!

On the flipside, it provides a limitless number of distractions – one minute you’re researching the best way to make an international conference call, then next minute you’re watching a gif of a grumpy cat, and before you know it six hours have passed and you’ve not done a thing on your to-do list.

And that’s before we get started on social media!

So if you’re working day suffers from fatal distractions, here’s how to stop wasting time…

Guides & How-Tos

A conference call is a great way to hold a meeting when not everyone can be in the same place at once – something pretty much all of us have had to get used to as 2020 unfolded.

But calls don’t always go without a hitch, and if you don’t properly prepare for the call in advance, it can soon descend into a series of awkward silences and participants talking over one another.

So, to help make sure each conference call you hold is completely fuss-free, follow our simple, step-by-step guide.

Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Are you suffering from tech stress?

It’s a question we frequently ask ourselves, particularity as our over-reliance on phones and tablets and espousing of an ‘always-on‘ culture mean that tech stress is becoming an increasingly common problem in people’s work life and home life – if you’re constantly checking your devices for emails or social media posts, or you lose it when your phone battery loses it, then you’re probably already a sufferer.

It’s a problem that may well have got a lot worse during lockdown, as people turned to their devices even more in an attempt to stay connected with the outside world.

But what are the signs of tech stress, and what can you do to stop it?

Guides & How-Tos Technology

The dust has barely settled on the August Bank Holiday, but the kids are back in school, the nights are drawing in and it’s getting noticeably colder. It got so nippy at the end of August that a poll run by our friends over at UKPower found that almost half of householders had already put the heating on.

And if people are back in the office, you can bet that the thermostat will be whacked in an attempt to keep temperatures near-tropical as staff go about their work – and when the thermostat rises, your business energy bills won’t be far behind.

So here are some top tips to to help keep utility bills down as the outside temperature drops…

Guides & How-Tos Small business

It’s not unusual to hate your job, your boss, your colleagues, your commute – even if it’s just the odd moment of despair, we all go through times where we feel like flipping our desk and walking out. The important thing to remember is that you work to live, it’s a means to an end, it’s not the be all and end all – once that dynamic is flipped on its head, and you live to work, it’s time to re-evaluate things, else your work-life could be the death of you.

Guides & How-Tos Inspiration Small business