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Sweden and the UK don’t appear to do much trading and, to use the UK government’s own words, it is “working to improve the UK’s reputation as a place to do business, to broker commercial partnerships and to increase Sweden’s inward investment in UK companies and projects”

But  if you do business out there, or you’re looking to do business out there, then having a reliable conference call provider can help cut back on the hassle and expense of travelling for meetings.

Here’s how to set up an international conference call in just a few simple steps…

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

South Korea offers a great opportunity for UK business owners, as the country generally views British culture and UK goods and services positively. If you’ve no business ties with South Korea, now could be a good time to invest.

And if you are trading with South Korea you’ll need a cost-effective and reliable conference call provider – so here’s how to set up an international conference call in just a few simple steps.

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

The ongoing crisis and instability in and around Russia and Ukraine means there are still many EU sanctions in place that  could significantly affect your ability to carry out business in the region. The invasion by Russia means that all travel to the area is off and a conference call could offer your best chance to stay in touch with colleagues or clients there.

There are over 100 British companies active in this area – covering a wide range of industries, from agriculture to retail – and the UK is currently the 6th largest investor in Ukraine, having invested over £2.3 billion since 1992 (5.4% of total Foreign Direct Investment).

And so if you’re already doing business out there you’ll understand travelling to the region to meet clients and colleagues is not a viable option – in which case, our international conference call facility could become one of your most valuable business tools.

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Before the pandemic struck, more than 3 million of us spent two or more hours on the daily commute – that’s almost three-quarters (72%) as many as this time ten years ago, according to research from the Trade Unions Congress (TUC).

At that point, the number of commuters travelling a mind-numbing three or more hours a day had risen by three-quarters (75%) from 500,000 to 800,000 over the same period. We were all clearly doing too much commuting.

That all changed over the last couple of years, as Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns meant more of us than ever had to work from home. But things are changing again as restrictions have been lifted completely and we’re all being encouraged to return to the office. And that means a return to public transport for many of us – so why not make the most of the time?

Guides & How-Tos

With just a couple of days to go until Christmas Eve, there’s a good chance many of your staff are beginning to wind down – unless, of course, Christmas is your busiest time of the year. If things do slow down over the festive period, you might be taking things easy yourself, or even on holiday already.

But what if you need people to stay switched on over the holidays? Especially in that ‘dead zone’ between Christmas and New Year? Here are some tips to help keep things ticking over.

Flexible working Guides & How-Tos Inspiration Uncategorized Work from home

The UK is the second largest foreign investor in Peru, a country that is one of the simplest South American nations to do business with, and offers a great investment opportunity, with a stable political climate, a wealth of natural resources, and a growing middle class.

If you’re thinking of setting up in Peru, it’s worth getting yourself you’ll also need a low-cost, reliable international conference call provider, and that’s where ConferenceCall.co.uk comes in.

Here’s how to set up a conference call to Peru.

Around the world Conference calling Guides & How-Tos

Employees are being told to work from home wherever possible as part of the government’s ‘Plan B’ to tackle the Omicron variant of Covid-19 – a new strain that’s thought to be the most transmissible yet.

The coronavirus pandemic has seen more people than ever working from home, and many businesses now use a ‘hybrid’ working system, where employees spend some time at home and some at the office. By the start of December this year, more than two-thirds of staff travelled to work at least once.

More than a third (36%) of British staff did some form of remote working in 2020, according to the Office for National Statistics. And it’s a way working that has caused some strong debate – some have even suggested home workers should be paid less than those that travel into the office.

The truth is, working from home isn’t for everyone. But, if done correctly, it can be a great way of working and keeping a healthy work/life balance. To make sure you’re making the most of telecommuting, here’s how to work from home.

Guides & How-Tos Work from home

This week has seen the first of this winter’s morning frosts. If you’ve started commuting back to the office, you might have literally been caught cold last week. To help make sure you’re prepared for the worst those frosty mornings have to throw at you, here’s how to de-ice your car.

Guides & How-Tos Work from home

December 4th sees the return of Small Business Saturday, the one day of the year where customers are encouraged to rebel against the retail chains, overlook the massive online shops, and buy from local stores instead.

This year marks the ninth anniversary of the event, and all small businesses are being encouraged to get involved, from family butchers to online sellers.

Guides & How-Tos Inspiration Small business