Set up a Conference Call
Conference Call frequently asked questions
We’ve put together a list of answers to some frequently asked conference call questions.
If you can’t find the answer to your question below, you can send your question via email or send a message via the contact form or by calling us on 0207 100 1380. This line is open during business hours.
Schedule a Conference Call
How long will my PIN remain valid?
Your pin code remains valid until you ask us to deactivate the pin code.
Can I use my PIN immediately?
Yes, you can now request your PIN and use it immediately.
How often can I use my PIN?
You can use your PIN as often as you like.
I want to schedule a conference call, should I let you know?
No, you can schedule a conference call and start it without informing us.
I don't remember my PIN, now what?
No worries, request a new pin at the top of this page and you will immediately receive a pin code again.
Invite participants
What is the maximum number of participants per conference call?
The maximum number of participants for a conference call is 100. If you want to schedule a conference call with more than 100 participants, please contact us at support@conferencecall.co.uk.
Can participants dial in with both their landline and mobile phone?
Yes, your participants can dial in with their landline or mobile phone.
Can UK participants dial in with their mobile phone abroad?
UK participants abroad simply call +44 843 373 0999 with their mobile phone.
Can foreign participants also participate in the conference call?
ConferenceCall.co.uk offers local dial-in numbers in 60+ countries. And even if a local dial-in number is not available in a country, participants can easily join by calling one of our worldwide dial-in numbers: +44 843 373 0999.
Example: a German participant takes part in your conference call
If a German participant is invited by you for your conference call, he or she will call the German dial-in number 01803 - 127127. This is a German number. He or she does not need to call +49 1803 127127 or + 44 1803 127 127 because you are organizing the conference call. If the participant from Germany is a UK person who calls on his or her mobile phone, he/she should use the worldwide dial-in number: +44 843 373 0999.
Do I have to call the worldwide dial-in number when organizing an international conference call?
No, you can simply call the UK dial-in number. Our advanced system 'links' the participants based on the PIN code you have provided.
The Conference Call
What can I do if a participant calls in from a noisy environment?
Ask the participant to find a quiet environment to mute the background noise. If this is not possible, you can ask the participant to key in # 6 to temporarily switch off the microphone. To reactivate the microphone, the participant again dials # 6. Do not use the mute button on your phone, this may cause the call to get disconnected.
What can I do if an echo is heard during the conference call?
This is usually caused by a participant who has put his / her phone on the speaker or 'hands-free'. Another common cause is a participant dialing in from the car with a Bluetooth 'hands-free kit'. If the sound of the speaker is too loud, the microphone picks up this sound signal and sends it back in the conference call.
Ask the participant to take the phone off the speaker or turn the volume down. If this is not possible, you can ask the participant to key in # 6 to temporarily switch off the microphone. To reactivate the microphone, the participant again dials # 6.
Can I pay the costs for all participants?
Yes, please have at our solution on this page. You can use your conferencecall.co.uk pincode but you have to use different dial-in numbers.
Can I pre-program my phone?
Yes, with ConferenceCall.co.uk you can preprogram your phone.
To find out more, check out How to make a conference call.
Where can you find us?
Customer Support (Business hours)
0207 100 1380
United Kingdom
566 Chiswick High Road
London, W4 5YA
United Kingdom
+44 (0)207-1001380
email support