Set up a Conference Call
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To set up a conference call

To set up a conference call, all participants need to use the dial-in number relevant to the country they’re calling from and enter the PIN code for your call. Below is a list of countries where we have dial-in numbers.

Any UK participant can simply dial the UK dial-in number 0843 373 0843 when they are in the UK. Our system matches your participants automatically by your PIN. The rate is 5.8p per minute + VAT and your phone provider’s access charge.

If one or more UK participants are overseas and want to use their mobile phone to call, share our worldwide dial-in number, which is +44 843 373 0999. This number can be reached from all parts of the world, but international access charges apply.

If a country of a participant is not listed, please use the worldwide dial-in number, which is +44 843 373 0999. This dial-in number can be reached from anywhere in the world.

Dial-in numbers

Country Dial-in number Rate *
Conference Call with participants from Australia Australia 02-89990964 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Austria Austria 0820-400600 9.6 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Belgium Belgium +32(0)70-246630 12.4 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Belgium (french) Belgium (french) +32(0)70-270110 12.4 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Canada Canada 00 44 843 373 0999 international rate *
Conference Call with participants from Croatia Croatia 01-7757124 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Czech Republic Czech Republic 225-985726 local rate
Conference Call with participants from France France 0825-000328 12.4 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Germany Germany +49(0)1803-127127 9 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Greece Greece 261-3006066 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Hungary Hungary 1-2344099 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Ireland Ireland 1520-932995 11.6 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Israel Israel 02-372-1325 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Italy Italy 199-206340 9.8 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Netherlands Netherlands 0900-1750 7.4 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Netherlands (0900 alternatief) Netherlands (0900 alternatief) 0900-2510251 12.4 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from New Zealand New Zealand 09-9518334 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Norway Norway +44 843 373 0999 internasjonale takst *
Conference Call with participants from Poland Poland 22-2639870 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Portugal Portugal 707-501969 9.8 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Slovakia Slovakia 02-33325510 local rate
Conference Call with participants from Spain Spain 902-559217 12.4 ct/min *
Conference Call with participants from Sweden Sweden 0939-1119030 1.36 kr/min *
Conference Call with participants from Switzerland (german) Switzerland (german) 0840-444888 8.1 Rp/min *
Conference Call with participants from UK UK 0843 373 0843 5.8 p/min *
Conference Call with participants from USA USA 00 44 843 373 0999 international rate *
  Worldwide dial-in number +44 843 373 0999 international call rates apply *
* Rates are ex VAT. Access charges and/or international call rates from your provider may apply.